The Carriage house is a nice log cabin size, even large enough for a 3 car garage with room to spare, and incorporates a great living area in the loft, so you can live on the property while you build your main log house. The first one of these was designed as a hybrid, where we built the house from a framed structure, then had our full log profiled siding and trim to make it the same as our log home packages, or match very well. We designed this home with nice sized 9” peeled logs, and with huge character posts and beams inside, just like our log home packages. A nice log stairset and railing, and lots of glass in the center gable dormer set this home off. This log garage carriage house package is right at 135K, as shown, or get the popular 8″ logs for $128K. Final price depends on log wall size, lumber and materials market at time of purchase, and your customized design. Click here to get back to the “BARNS, SHOPS & GARAGES” Carousel