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Lazarus Log Homes cheapest Log home kits

Cheapest Log Home Kits and Log Cabin Kits with Quality

Looking for the Cheapest Log Home kit at discounted pricing? Want the Highest Quality log homes?

FACT: Our log homes have the lowest discounted pricing, and we can beat anyone on similar materials. Usually, our “standard” materials, even our 8” or 9” full log packages are more competitive than even smaller 6×8 D logs, the bottom of the barrel in log home log profiles. 


Cheapest Log Cabin kit package at true wholesale prices is what we are about. Cheap doesn't have to be a bad word. Low cost but high quality, but we want to draw attention to our product, so cheapest log home packages and cheapest log cabin kits are keywords we use, but with good reason...We have the best quality materials of any log home manufacturer, at the cheapest prices.

Lazarus Log Homes designs for free and we package our log homes to be the most efficient and cheapest log home kits on the market. We are a full service log home company, with discount prices on all our log home kits, not marking it up, then saying we discount 20%, or 50%, and give you low quality, and a “perceived” low price after discount! You can build these for less than a framed home, and have huge equity, as they are worth more by far! We provide log home plans for even the most discriminating buyer, with log home floor plans that are customized on every log home package, at a price anyone can afford. Every home we do is customized...for free! We have an in-house architectural designer who has done over 2000 log homes, and can create a log home package that is what you want, at the cheapest log cabin kit price anywhere, and still provide the best quality. Check our getting started and about us pages for why.

We work with you on planning to keep the home in budget, by keeping you up to speed on approximate log home package costs as we are designing, and even giving you turn key estimates along the way, so you have what you need when you go to the bank or mortgage company, with complete log home plans, the cheapest log home pricing package on a complete log home bid, and a customized turn key estimate for your log home so you know right where you need to be. 

The cheapest log home kits available today are from Lazarus Log Homes. 

Log cabin materials and plans are not all created equal. Just because a log home kit is cheap does not have to mean low quality. Check us out! We have the highest quality log home packages available, and at the cheapest prices from any log home manufacturer, and better yet, we custom design each home at no cost. 


We help you find a log home that fits within your budget, help you determine how a log home package can be your cheapest option of any home type (from us that is), and make sure you have the right information when you approach the bank or mortgage company with your complete log home plans, your log home bid of exactly the materials you will need on your new log home, a solid turn key estimate for your project (not just the log home bid, but water, sewer, road, hookups, appliances, all labor, etc.), and a sales agreement on your new complete log home cabin kit.


Remember, the cheapest log cabin kits are now available with all the benefits only Lazarus can provide, giving you the lowest final cost log home packages available, with the highest quality logs and material available to anyone, at any price.

Click around and enjoy the lowest price log home packages in the world, with the highest quality...and by far, the cheapest, but best quality on the market. Lazarus Log Homes has discount log home kits that are the lowest prices "cheapest" found anywhere. See for yourself, don’t take our word for it!

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