The Columbia Lodge continues to be one of our best selling log home designs, and the curb appeal and size of this home is obviously the main reason. A big bang for the buck on a big home is hard to come by, and with amenities like covered porches, dormers, a huge entry dormer with massive character log posts and a nice log truss, attached full log garage and the like, it is no wonder this design sells so well. Tall 25′ ceilings (off the main floor), open floor plan, big living room and foyer entry area, a Pantry and/or mudroom, and a bar and recroom in the basement along with a nice sized media room, and you have the perfect floor plan on a larger log home. It has a great layout, and should be worth twice what you have into it when done. We even had one of these appraise for 1.8 million with a 450K build, on a 70K lot a few years back! Now that is impressive…almost as impressive as this home! This log home package is right at 292K, as shown, including basement materials in our package, and includes the larger 10” Swedish coped and peeled logs! Figure about 7-10K cheaper without basement materials. Final price depends on log wall size, lumber and materials market at time of purchase, and your customized design. 4986 square feet as shown, 5 bedroom (can be 9 bedroom), 3.5 bath (can be many more). Click here to get back to the “LODGES” Carousel