Lazarus Log Homes Construction Guide
We produce an easy to follow, complete construction guide to building one of our log homes, starting at the concrete. Whether you are a seasoned professional log home builder, or have never even built a framed garage, but can read plans and a tape, and have some normal tools, you can build one of these. We want you to read this, and build it the way it shows. If you can come up with some way to build that is better (in any way), to building our homes, we will give you a hundred bucks. Trust us. Follow the plans first, and see how to build in our guide. The guide is 30 pages, here are only a handful for you too see.
We work with you on the ship date, so you are ready, and help you stage the delivery so you get the materials you need to get started on the first truck (floor materials, posts, beams and starting logs) to get going, then the second truck arrives a few days/weeks later, etc. so you don’t have too much on site at one time, etc. You can get them all at once, or stage the trucks.
All logs are marked with markings. Some are the same, and can be used in any order of the stack, some are only for one location, and we provide a “log order” that has detailed descriptions of the log, and where it goes in the home. The logs are wrapped and stacked in units of like length and type, and character logs are on top of the load unwrapped for safely transporting and unloading. Lumber is wrapped. THE REST OF THE PICTURES BELOW ARE SOME RANDOM PAGES WE PICKED TO HELP YOU SEE MORE OF THE COMING GUIDE. They are reduced in size as this is proprietary information to only our company and its customers.
Here are some sample pages and images...