Lodge style log home and cabin designs are best for larger square footage, with open floor plans, easily modified, have amazing views, and are efficient, especially with a basement.
We grouped plans by appx. size. Scroll down for larger homes. Hover mouse stops the scroll, click or use the arrows to pick. Back to STYLES of Homes
Lodge style log home cabin plans are easy to design with you in mind. Customize your own floorplan and exterior design, layout the floors and rooms, and make your log cabin home the exact way you want it.
We have over 250 lodge style log home designs not shown on this website. Call or email us with which designs shown are close, then we can show you some more that might better get close to your log cabin floorplan and curb look you are wanting. Log cabin homes from Lazarus are the highest quality, lowest cost on the market today. We customize every log house design for free, and quickly get you a price! Contact us today.