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Timber Framed Hybrid Log Homes using Logs for Timber!

Can I build a Framed Home using Logs - Like a Timber Frame? Cheaper? Stronger? YES!

We call them a Log Hybrid, where you have all the features, materials and look of a log home, but have a framed outer wall, with full profiled log siding, instead of a log wall. Many worry about settling, or desire a flat interior wall for their home, and can’t get around that. They want all the features and ambiance, and love a log home, but only in certain areas. All our materials are the same, with exception the exterior wall being a 2×6 wall with sheathing and wrap, and putting log siding on. You still have the same trim, the same decks with log railing, the same massive character logs inside, the same look of the rough sawn trim, fascia, soffit, ceiling, lofts, beams, flooring, basically everything. Easy! We have done several of these, and they are indeed unique and beautiful, just like all our designs! Browse through these and we can design around your needs and budget. Log cabin or log home hybrids are stunning…if done from Lazarus!

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The prow logs on this hybrid log lodge design are completely the same as with full log, even the front cross member logs, the posts, etc. have flat cuts so the windows can be sandwiched into those areas, keeping strength, and lots of glass. You can see the 3 center post character logs sticking up in the background, getting ready for the gable ends, then the ridge logs to complete this design. This model is similar to a lodge design, with a flat prow shape, but 3 rows of glass high, like the Columbia Lodge. Fun to build using our amazing logs for your own log cabin floorplan, and get the best of both.

We custom design all homes, and offer our log home packages with framed exterior walls, for basically all our designs. This is truly a hybrid log home, with our ridge logs, rafter design, loft flooring, log railing, decks, ceiling material, trim, basically everything the same as our log home kits, only with framed exterior walls. This allows you to have a flat inside wall, and a log home look on the outside, still encompassing the full giant character logs and all the bells and whistles of a Lazarus Log Homes design, and even price. This hybrid is under construction in Arizona, and is owner built. We are proud of Bob for getting this beauty started, and as you can see, he is well over the hump getting his ridge on, rafters and sheathing up! Looking great! Click here for the Adirondack Chalet, a hybrid home designed from top to bottom.

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Here is a full profiled log sided garage, showing the corner post, and our wide log siding, none like it on the planet (totally our own custom profile to match our log stack). Some like the hybrid part to be the garage or shop, and have a full log log home, like this customer did, so they work together, look like they match up, and have the smooth inside sheetrocked wall of a shop. Have it your way!

We can design around your goals to make your house unique and have the log features you want, while keeping the framing conventional, but having some or all of the accent and structural support be our amazing logs. Only with Lazarus Log Homes.

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